A Scholarly Treatise on Thaums

OR- A Scholarly Treatise on Thaumatic Radiations and Their Corresponding Power

by the Sage Ergone

As my academic brothers will undoubtedly know, there have been many attempts to categorize and chart the level of arcane power throughout the ages. Each has had its errors, including, but by no means limited to: Lack of accountability as to alternate sources of power e.g. divine, spiritual, and natural to name a few. Refusal to acknowledge the power scale, in that a singular spell cast by different mages has different noticeable effects. Inability to properly document and explain the variance in power of artifacts and “Casters”. Inability to account for “Casters”, or more properly “Users”, Items, Effects, Creatures, Self-Perpetuating Phenomena, and far more. Inability to rectify invisible or non-physical distortions. Singular errors and aberrations. Requirement of expenses beyond our measure to create an accurate reading.

            These are but a few of the dramatic issues prevalent in cases of old. Of course, much is missing of our knowledge. Much we do not know, but that must not prevent the wheel of knowledge from the turning, it must not prevent the great river of progress from flowing. It is likely that in coming years, we shall discover a system of old that handles the cruel reality of Arcane Physic better than my crude Arcane Theory- Never the less, I feel compelled to submit my work, and so attempt to play my part in the construction of an enlightened future. This is that work, and I have come forward to reveal my creation, a new system. This system, which I shall here forward call the MERLIN (Magical Energy Radiation Levels In Nature) System. This system, though far from perfect, is one that I believe shall solve many of the issues above in cases of the practical. It uses a hypothetical unit, similar to the mile or cup, to measure, for pure simplicities sake, Arcane Power, though I shall endeavor to explain how it relates to other modes of Power below. This unit is called a “Thaum.”

            This Thaum is a measure of Power, the Power to affect the world by unnatural means. (Though of course the debate whether the use of Power is indeed unnatural is varied case by case, and the debate is still going, and will continue for some time.) The Thaum is a measure of that Powers output, that is, the direct output and capability to alter the world based on current output of power. I believe this solves many problems as listed above. However, to create an accurate Thaum reading, it shall require special equipment and effort, if it is indeed possible- However, I am working on a method to expedite the process. Yes you read that right. I have not as of yet finished my work to calibrate and construct the method to calculate Thaums. The work require a capital expenditure that I have yet to acquire. As such, I have put out my work in search of a patron. Regardless, I will put my theories on obtaining this power below, so that the Thaum may indeed become the standard unit.

            The Thaums works by measuring the output of Power, and assumes if a Subject is picked up by the crude “Detect Magic” it is a result of it either putting out Power, or a residual trace of it from earlier usage or from contact with another Source. See my examples, directly below.

                        + Example 1: A User examines a sword imbued with Arcane Power. He detects magic, for it is always radiating magic.

                        + Example 2: A User examines an Arcane imbued wand, but casts no spell with it. He will detect magic, as its power is constantly emitting at a low level, it is a bottle for magical power, but the bottle has a small crack, attributing to the detection of the Arcane. He casts a spell with it, and Power is still detected, but the spell gives little indication of the difference in Power. However, using the MERLIN System, you would see a sharp uptick in Power at the time of casting.

                        + Example 3: A User examines an Artifact of tremendous power, but detects nothing. He uses the innate Power of the Artifact, and briefly detects magic. He will not detect magic, for the Artifact is also a bottle for Power, but of far greater make and manufacture. This bottle will not leak, and thus has no output, but when its Power is poured from it, you see the radiations.

                        + Example 4: A User examines an object that did radiate magic, but has a spell of non-detection placed over it. This is as placing a bucket under the leaky bottle- it doesn’t stop the bottle from leaking, but water is not visible.

            While such examples are illuminating as to the purpose and practicality of the Thaum, we should now focus on specifics so we may then move to the superiority of the Thaum over errors in other systems. I move that the scale be broadly based on the circles of magic, where moving from one circle to another is a tenfold influx in power (though some might question whether this is fully accurate, I move that broad categories may help to account for irregularities).

0-9 – Low effects on the reality of the world, weaker in effect than an apprentice’s spell. Examples include the amount of Thaums from the weakest radiations, the amount emitted from magic items under normally circumstances, and tiny effect. Natural variations could have more than this much change in areas, which I shall cover at the end as a point of contention with the MERLIN System.

Rank1 (R1) 9-99 A noticeable effect on the world. Example: A spell of the first circle, a potion of healing, a common item

(R2) 100-999 – A spell of the second circle, an item with residual power (ghosts ectoplasm)

(R3) 1,000-9,999 A spell of the third circle, an uncommon item

(R4) 10,000-99,999 A spell of the fourth circle

(R5) 100,000-999,999 A spell of the fifth circle, a rare item

(R6) 10,000 KT-99,999 KT A spell of the sixth circle

(R7) 100,000 KT-999,999 KT A spell of the seventh circle, a very item

(R8) 1,000 MT-9,999 MT A spell of the eighth circle,

(R9) 10,000 MT-99,999 MT A spell of the ninth circle, an artifact of legendary rarity

(R10) 100,000 MT-999,999 MT An artifact of great power or legendary rarity, an ancient drake

(R11+) 1+ TT A truly world shaking event, the wrath of a god.

I shall note that at the end of the spectrum, it becomes unsightly and overwhelming. I would remind you of the extreme power of a ninth level spell in relation to lesser spells. Additionally, I shall note that while massive, most readings will tend towards the lower scales.

There are many issues with this system that must be dealt with. Allow me to explain. In a User, though the same spell might be used, different results might be had. For example, a great master casting Magic Missile would indeed have a far different effect than an apprentice. This remains an issue to be overcome, but at the moment the wide range of the scale allows for little cross over.

            Inability to properly document and explain the variance in power of artifacts and Casters. As seen above, the explanation for the difference in Power between items and Users is obvious. An Object stores and creates power, obvious magic effects are due in part to a small constant output, and we can see, so to speak, the water in a glass bottle. Users are different, they are generally not innately magical, rather summoning the power. (Though obviously, this again is a point of major contention, as to where exactly the User draws his strength, though most point to the Power within as the most likely source). While one might think a wizard is equal to a legendary artifact, this power is only summoned temporarily before being dispelled. A wizard may be as powerful as a legendary artifact, but only for a few minutes once a day.

            There are off course instances where science has yet to explain a property yet magic may not be detected. For instance, the humble cow is known to occasionally float upwards into the sky, and eels arise from the mud of the river every season despite never detecting any sort of magic from them. My only defense is that the system is primarily designed for the practical, the workman verses the theorist, and such examples are beyond any system.


            You will undoubtedly noticed by now that the Thaum has several limits, some of which I have in fact discussed to some extent. I will now discuss one of the more pressing issues, in that it is limited by the great drawback that while the Thaum could potentially turn out to be the best way of determining output, it has no way of measuring potential.

I will submit a partner to the Thaum as well- the Thaumatic Potential Factor, or TPF for short. After some study of an item, and carefully measuring the maximum Thaum output, the TPF could be created, showing its maximum output, and thus creating a way to compare object even when they’re “off”. Additionally, considering some items have a limited number of shots, or a recharge rate, we could additionally determine the Thaum over Time Ratio (TTR) and the Maximum Thaum Limit (MTL), which would show the Thaums generated by an item, and how many Thaums could be drawn from a single use item. Such is beyond the scope of this paper at the moment.

            A note on Radiations and Lingering Affect and Auras. In some areas, there are lingering effects that could add various affects to spells. This could include power strengthening, power weakening, power multiplication, or additional abilities or effects on a single being. I believe this could be due to a Thaumatic Radiation Field, or TRF. A TRF is an aura of Thaums, an aura of Power. This is an example of having a magical area rich in power. Examples:

                        + Example 1: A TRF 100 area exists, in which every spell in it is strengthened. 100 Thaums of power would be added to the spells total power, strengthening it. A User casting magic missile might find they have an additional projectile. To a spell like time stop, it would have little impact, as 100 Thaums means almost nothing to a ninth level spell cast by a master mage.

                        + Example 2: A TRF 100 area exist, in which every spell in it is weakened. 100 Thaums of power would be removed, weakening it. A User casting magic missile, in this field, for example, may well end up missing one of their missiles. However, one casting a spell such as time stop would have an almost unnoticed effect, as 100 Thaums is not much to a ninth level spell.

                        + Example 3: A special “multiplication field” exists, in which all spells have (any multiplier, but in the example I’ll use double) double the power inside the field. The power is multiplied. (This can be measured in Thaums, but this is a rare field, and it strongly depends on the Source of the field. It may have limits, but is a special expected exemption.) A field in which a spell has ten times the power it would have outside the field is an example of this.

                        + Example 4: A TRF 100 area exists, in which effects are distributed. An effect, with a maximum of 100 Thaums will be used on everyone in the field. A field in which everyone glows a light green all the time is an example of this field.

                        + Example 5: The second “special” field exists, a Redirection Field. This works on the principal of taking Thaums from a Usage of Power, and redirecting it to a random form. A field in which every spell produces only rabbits would be an example, the “wild magic zones” so prevalent in select region, or even one where no physical harm can be caused. These are broadly the most mysterious.

As I await for continued funding to complete my experiments, I trust this simple guide will be helpful to your continued journeys.

DM Note: What should I do with this?

If you sat through my over-indulegent prose, I recommend you scrap half of it. Thaums are an attempt to track magic emissions to boost the industrial punk/ magic science feel of certain campaigns. I like the idea that the industrial revolution/renaissance (which at its most basic levels was the concentrated effort to understand and categorize the world) start in a wizards journal.

It’s a bad system, but not as bad as some real world systems for measuring temperature or categorizing the elemental table.

I’d copy it into word, transform the entire thing into cursive text, and then give it to your players as an in-game prop. More than anything, I want players to have something to interact with that isn’t too precise. You as the DM shouldn’t have to give a precise count of every item’s Thaums, but being able to say something is broadly emitting “Rank 3 thaumaturgic energy” is an easy way to give the players more information.

Without information, players can’t act and feel invested. With too much information, the right choice is obvious and they lose interest. I think Thaums give the player a way to learn something, but not too much.

Later I’ll go into more detail on Arcane Engineering, and we can see where this is headed!